Vol. 3 No. 18

Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association (AFLA) 2007 Annual Meeting and Conference
Turning Change into Opportunity: Part I
Once again, my favorite fleet trade association, and the one to which I have belonged for the longest amount of time (this marks my 21st year as a member), the Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association, held their 39th annual meeting and conference. This year’s conference was in Tucson, Arizona, September 5 – 7, at the fantastic Loews Ventana Canyon Resort. The conference was crammed full of on point, interesting motivational and information seminars, and, of course meeting up again with the “best and brightest” veterans in the fleet business (which this group never fails to attract), is always great pleasure.
The conference this year kicked off Wednesday night with an inspirational keynote by Mike Pitcher, Executive Vice President of LeasePlan USA, entitled, “Attitude is Opportunity.” I was privileged to here Mike speak before and he certainly has a talent not only in addressing and holding the attention of a packed house, but, indeed, gives as inspiring and content filled presentation as I have ever heard. His observations and facts on attitudes in the workplace, for instance, were particularly enlightening – for instance, 53% of working people surveyed say they hate their job…and 60% of those hate their job because of their relationship with their boss. It turns out that although it is usually assumed that the number one satisfaction criteria for a job revolves around pay, in fact, the quality of life issue is usually of a higher concern in job satisfaction. Mike closed off by relaying some facts about how we all, in fact, are probably better off the 90% of the people on earth, something we forget in our daily tribulations. All in all, Mike's talk was a great way to kick of the conference, and from there, go a opening welcome reception, complete with classic cars.

AFLA Wecoming Reception with Classic Cars
Day 1 – What Changes are Coming…
The next day kicked off with a keynote by General Charles Wald, USAF (retired), entitled “Securing America’s Future Energy.” Not a light topic, General Wald’s point, that “America’s extreme dependence on oil is an unacceptable threat to national security and prosperity” is harsh reality. One needs only to look at the chart below, presented to the group, to understand the truth in the statement.
The next day kicked off with a keynote by General Charles Wald, USAF (retired), entitled “Securing America’s Future Energy.” Not a light topic, General Wald’s point, that “America’s extreme dependence on oil is an unacceptable threat to national security and prosperity” is harsh reality. One needs only to look at the chart below, presented to the group, to understand the truth in the statement.

Another very serious presentation followed General Wald’s address, Ted Chu, Lead Economist
of General Motors Corporation, addressed the group with a talk entitled, “Current State of the Automotive Industry: Where is it Going? Mr. Chu’s bottom line, “there will be more business, but it will be a much tougher business.” One thought provoking slide, on model proliferation and the “big three” share of the market, is displayed on the left– just about ten years ago there were 287 models and the “big three” had 72% market share…now there are 352 different models and the “big three” lost 16% points of share…it paints a fairly picture about the “tough” part for the industry.
And Now for Something Completely Different…
So after three very serious and sobering presentation, it was time for lunch and then a very light, entertaining and down right funny show, “Opportunity Knocks” by Mike Rayburn, of Quantum Talent. Mike’s “what if I could” reoccurring self question, and his unique combination of tunes which music/artists with different lyrics (my personal favorite was Led Zeppelin does Dr. Seuss or Bob Marley sings Garth Brooks) made for a very vocal and lively afternoon - I can see why the guy had 8 command performances at Carnegie Hall. Its much easier for me to show you the man himself rather than try to describe him, so, through the magic of YouTube.com, here is a video clip –

Ted Chu was followed in the program by a presentation by Tom Kloza, Chief Oil Analyst, Oil Price Information Service, entitled, “Fleet Fuel Pricing Trends.”
And Now for Something Completely Different…
So after three very serious and sobering presentation, it was time for lunch and then a very light, entertaining and down right funny show, “Opportunity Knocks” by Mike Rayburn, of Quantum Talent. Mike’s “what if I could” reoccurring self question, and his unique combination of tunes which music/artists with different lyrics (my personal favorite was Led Zeppelin does Dr. Seuss or Bob Marley sings Garth Brooks) made for a very vocal and lively afternoon - I can see why the guy had 8 command performances at Carnegie Hall. Its much easier for me to show you the man himself rather than try to describe him, so, through the magic of YouTube.com, here is a video clip –
Okay, so I should probably close on the “note” above, and save the rest of the serious stuff for later…

Mike Rayburn with Drew Meyermann from the AFLA staff
Next, AFLA Conference Part II
Labels: AFLA, Automotive Fleet, Automotive Fleet and Leasing Association, Automotive Industry, Oil